Strengthening the state of being of  the places we live.

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urban mind: noun

1.           a state of being of a neighbourhood, city or place;

2.           the ideas, thinking, culture and mindset of a neighbourhood, city or place;

3.           “It’s the vibe of the thing’’ (The Castle);

4.           the atmosphere, ambiance and sense of a place as understood, perceived and felt.



Through exploring and understanding the urban mind we create better health environments, meaningful places, stronger communities and thriving cities where people live the best possible lives. 

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Urban Mind provides professional services relating to exploring, measuring and strengthening the state of being of  neighbourhoods, cities and the places we learn, work and live. 

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Urban Mind focused on mindsets, attitudes, connectedness between individuals and places, creativity, values, resilience, involvement and physical  environments. 

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Image: Word on the Street - a Community Arts Network project.

Adelaide, South Australia

As every  problem we are trying to solve is unique and requires specific expertise, Urban Mind employs an alliance model - bringing together and leading the necessary team of individuals and organisations to achieve the best project outcomes. 


We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.

— Blandit Lectus

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Street art in Adelaide, South Australia. 

Artist unknown.